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Ramsey Methodist Chapel

Client: Mr Steve Honest

Budget: approx NK

Contractor: NK

Engineer: NK

Status: Completed 2019


Planning & Building regs for change of use from D1 to C3

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Ramsey Chapel

Existing ground floor plan

Existing ground floor plan

Proposed ground floor plan

Proposed ground floor plan

Existing sections and elevations

Existing sections and elevations

Proposed sections and elevations

Proposed sections and elevations

Existing sections and elevations

Existing sections and elevations

Proposed sections and elevations

Proposed sections and elevations

Existing sections and elevations

Existing sections and elevations

Proposed sections and elevations

Proposed sections and elevations

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